About Us

Who We Are

Football Nova Scotia is a big family of teams, programs, and associations. If there’s a kids, youth, or adult football team operating in Nova Scotia, they’re likely a member of our group! We don’t run any of the community teams directly, but we help them out with coaching, policies and procedures, and other behind-the-lines management.

However, we do run any of the provincial U18, U16, or non-contact (flag) teams here in Nova Scotia. So if you or your child need any information about becoming part of Team Nova Scotia for those programs, we’re here to help!

Karen Ouellette - Executive Director


Financial Operations; Administration; Safe Sport; Governance; Major Events.


Bryce Fisher – Director of Football Operations


Coach Development; Athlete Development; Grassroots to Elite Development Programming; League and Grassroot Programming; Official Development; Communication.


Football Nova Scotia

5516 Spring Garden Road, 2nd Floor, Suite 201

Halifax, NS  B3J 1G6

Tel. (902) 425-5450  ext 343

Fax. (902) 425-5606 

 Our Member Community Football Associations

The associations below are all a part of the Football Nova Scotia family.
To find out more about local community teams and how to sign up, visit our programs page.


Football Nova Scotia exists to raise quality participation and profile of amateur football in our province.


Football Nova Scotia’s vision is developing, growing, and show casing football in Nova Scotia.


Football Nova Scotia promotes awareness through developing and implementing programs to help generate participation; provide greater awareness of the benefits of football; and fostering a fun and safe environment.

We are guided in this work by commitment to our core values of:

  • Accountability: We operate with integrity, honesty and transparency accepting responsibility for outcomes and results.

  • Excellence: We strive for high standards in all aspects of sport: playing, coaching, officiating, volunteering, managing and leadership.

  • Respect: For the game, for the rules, and for each other.

  • Safety: We are committed to ensure the wellness and health of all athletes, coaches, officials, and participants who are part of our football family.

  • Teamwork: We achieve more working together in a climate of collaboration, inclusion and trust. We believe in each other.

 Long-Term Athlete Development

Football Nova Scotia is dedicated to real, healthy physical literacy in our athletes. We strongly believe in the Long-Term Athlete Development model put forth by Football Canada. This sport-science driven model is broken up into 7 stages that are based on the physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive development of children and adolescents, rather than the young athlete’s chronological age. 

This model ensures that each participant has a strong foundation in physical literacy to maximize their potential for the sport in the safest and most effective way possible. To read more about the LTAD policy, click the download link below, or contact Bryce Fisher, Director of Football Operations at bfisher@sportnovascotia.ca

Get Involved!

There are so many ways you can be a part of our field family!


We develop and maintain current policies and procedures for all member teams under our jurisdiction.