Contact Football—
Football Nova Scotia

Kids, Youth, and Teen Programs
Contact football for kids, youth, and teens is overseen by our affiliate, the Nova Scotia Minor Football League - Tackle Division. Below, you’ll find a list of all our member associations. Click on the association in the region closest to you to find out more information about individual teams and registration. Each community association has team divisions for different age groups: most are divided into Mite (grades 2 and 3), Atom (grades 4 and 5), Peewee (grades 6 and 7), and Bantam (grades 8 and 9).
If you’re looking for a program for someone over the age of 16, the local high school football teams are your next best bet. The High School Football League falls under the governance of the Nova Scotia Schools Athletic Federation, or NSSAF. More information about signing up for school teams can be found on their website, linked above.
There are also the Provincial Teams to consider for those under 18 and those under 16.

Over 18 and Adult ProgramS
University Programs
USports is the Canadian interuniversity sport organization that provides the coordination and administration of athletic programs of member universities across Canada. Atlantic University Sports is the other maritime provinces’ subsidiary. In Nova Scotia, the following institutions currently have contact football teams: Acadia University, Dalhousie University, St.Mary’s University, and St.Francis Xavier University.
For additional information on university-level football and their member teams, please refer to the USports and AUS websites.

Men’s and Women’s Programs
Maritime Football League
The Maritime Football League (MFL) is a men’s tackle football league for those aged 18+ with teams in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Contacting them over their Facebook page is the best way to get more information about signing up for their Nova Scotia teams; the Halifax Heat, and the Nova Scotia Buccaneers.
The Maritime Women’s
Football League
The Maritime Women’s Football League (MWFL) is the first women’s tackle football league in Canada, with teams from both within and outside the maritime provinces. They are a competitive, recreational league that welcomes players of all skill levels and backgrounds over the age of 18. Our representative Nova Scotia team is the Halifax Xplosion. Their respective Facebook pages can tell you more.
Football Nova Scotia is always looking for coaches, officials and volunteers to help make our teams simply awesome. If you want to give back to the community or help out an old field family, reach out today to get involved. Never played before? No sweat! There’s a role for you too.